Stack Monitoring Sampler

Leading Manufacturers, Exporters, Wholesaler, Retailer of DIOXINE, FURANE AND HEAVY METAL SAMPLER - VES 59DF, Stack Monitoring Kit VES 5EL, Stack Monitoring Sampler - VES-14 and Stack Monitoring Sampler - VES-5 from Ahmedabad.

Application Stack Monitoring
Color Black
Voltage 240V
Condition New
Display Type Digital
Temperature Range 0 - 1200 Deg C
Features Accuracy, Easy To Fit, Perfect Strength, Robust Construction, Rust Proof
Product Code VES 59DF
Payment Terms L/C, T/T
Delivery Time 2 - 3 WEEK

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 Design to monitor Dioxins, Furan & Provision for monitoring of Heavy Metals Emission

 Sampling train is tested for leakage by plugging the inlet. Rotameter gives reading below 2 - 5 % at full scale

 Sampling using on wet chemicals techniques

 Heating Probe & Box Assembly with Auto Temperature controller

 Measure total sample volume in liters, meter cube

 Rugged & convenient for long duration sampling with oil free vacuum pump assembly

 Glass Probe pipe, thimble Holder and Nozzle with Teflon cover on probe pipe

 Tripod Stand for better accessibility

 Probe set accommodated in a carrying case

 Facility for particulate & gaseous pollutant sampling also

 Convenient to use

 Diaphragm gas meter (DGM) for sampling volume measurement

 Facility to measure pressure and temperature at metering point

 Portable light weight rotary vane type mono block oil free vacuum pump.


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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
Type Stack Monitoring Kit, STACK MONITORING SYSTEM
Application Stack Monitoring
Color Black
Voltage 240V
Condition New
Display Type Digital
Power 0-5W
Driven Type Electric
Features Accuracy, Easy To Fit, Perfect Strength, Robust Construction
CONTROL MODULE High quality light weight aluminum control module consist all necessary operational controls like datalogger, signal processing device, connector for pump, probe, pitote, thermocouple etc.. provided
DATALOGGER Type : Large Size LCD Character : 16 Character X 2 Line Operating Keys : 4 Nos. (Menu, Up, Down, Enter)
STACK GAS TEMPERATURE Range:Ambient to 600C / 1200C, Standard Accessories: Common digital display having resolution of 1.0C, K type thermocouple having 8mm dia, 0.7 meter insertion length made from SS 304 with 3 Mtr cable
STACK VELOCITY Range : 3.0 to 60.0 meters/second Standard Accessories : A Display module having P (Differential Pressure) having measurement range of 0 – 270 mmH2O, having least count 0.1 mmH2O.
PITOT TUBE Calibrated S-Type Pitot tube having total length of 1.50 meter (0.75m + 0.75m insertion),made from SS 304 and 3.0 mtr. extension pipe with suitable connector is provided
PARTICULATE SAMPLING 0 - 100 LPM collection on thimble type filter up to 0.3 micron rating
GASEOUS SAMPLING: 0 - 10 LPM collection in a set of borosilicate glass impingers.
DIGITAL DISPLAY Digital display of flow and volume with a resolution of 0.1 lpm and 0.1 Liter for a flow range of 2.0 to 60.0 LPM.
CONTROL MODULES Leakage free control module having +/-2.0% FSD accuracy, ranging from 0-100LPM for PM and 0-10LPM for inorganic gases pollutant with logging of corrected totalize volume of individual parameter PM+GAS
IMPINGER BOX with provision keep ice of chilled water for temperature controlling. Glass impinger consist 3 nos. of 120 ml cap. impinger and 1 nos. of 240 ml cap. Impinger and 1 No. of 35ml Cap.
CALCULATED PARAMETERS PM concentration, Volumetric Discharge, Emission Rate, Average Stack Gas Velocity
REPORTING AND DATA RETRIEVING Final report generated in prescribed format directly in excel file through all measured parameters, all computed parameters and all user supplied data. Data retrieve through SD card and open in any PC
CARRYING CASE Main panel is provided in lockable suite case while tools, thimble holder, probe pipe, Pitot, nozzles, interconnection tubing, essential tools & tackles and consumables are kept in easy to carry
SAMPLING PROB Made from SS-304 tube, ID>15mm, total 3nos. of probe pipe having length of 0.75m, 0.75m, 0.1m length respectively. 6.0” long handle with direction adjustment knob for sampling nozzle direction indica.
FILTER HOLDER Fabricated from SS-304 tube suitable to hold either cellulose filtration thimble (28 mm ID X 100 mm long), glass micro fiber thimble (19mm ID X 90 mm long.) and silica thimble.
NOZZLE A set of 4 Nos. of nozzle, with sharp and tapered outer leading edge having different bore size (1/8
CONNECTION ½” BSP Male Brass fitting for sampling probe, 10mm (OD) 1 No. PU Push fitting for vacuum Pump connection, 6mm (OD) 2 Nos. PU Push fitting for Pitot Tube
USER PARAMETERS INPUT Barometric Pressure or Altitude. Pitot tube co-efficient. Stack or Duct dimensions. Molecular weight or composition of stack gas. Condensate Water. Initial & Final weight of filter thimble
PC COMMUNICATI ON AND DATA Barometric Pressure or Altitude. Pitot tube co-efficient. Stack or Duct dimensions. Molecular weight or composition of stack gas. Condensate Water. Initial & Final weight of filter thimble
VACUUM PUMP 0.25 HP Mono block rotary vane type, light weight, easy to handle and carry having oil lubricated high capacity pump, more than 100 LPM free flow capacity having maximum vacuum 600mmHg with electronic
Product Code VES 5EL
Payment Terms L/C, T/T
Delivery Time 2 - 3 WEEKS

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 No need to monitor predefine sampling rate, instrument maintain iso-kinetic sampling rate throughout sampling

 Battery operated stack module, having signal cable to

control pump operation

 Maintain iso-kinetic sampling condition, auto calculate of 1) stack traverse point and their direction. 2) correct nozzle diameter for site condition. 3) Iso-kinetic sample flow calculation

 The size and weight will be reduce due to detachable velocity monitor which will helpful for easy stack


 Stores and display user entered data and parameter

 Battery operated, Lightweight, Portable and compact

 Datalogger will store and record all data at regular interval

 Simplified glass joints with having zero leakage in sampling train

 Handy hard carrying case to carry all the required accessories in one box.

 Facility for extension of probe, Pitot and interconnecting tubing

 Facility to measure pressure and temperature at metering point individually for PM & GAS

 Portable light weight rotary vane type mono block vacuum pump.


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Stack Monitoring Sampler - VES-14

1 Set(s) (MOQ)

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
Power Source AC
Brand Name Vaibhav
Production Capacity 23 Set
Air Flow Rate (l/min) 0 - 60 LPM
Display Type Mechanical
Accuracy (%) 2 % ON FSD
Battery Type 9V
Phase Single Phase
Speed 2800 RPM
Frequency (Hz) 50
Voltage (V) AC
Automation Grade Manual
Power (W) 230 VAC
Payment Terms L/C, T/T
Delivery Time READY STOCK
Packaging Details Standard Packing in Plastic Coated Hard Board with Inside Armor Sheet Protection and Bubble Roll Layer On Instrument

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Special Features :

  • Digital Controlling Instrument
  • High Range Rotameter (Flow Indicator)
  • Inside Impinger box protect the damge of Glass Impinger
  • Stack emission sampler with programming and controlling through Electronic Device & Digital Timer.
  • Detachable Velocity Kit will be provided along with facility for inbuilt mounting arrangement of velocity module.
  • The size and weight will be reduce due to detachable velocity monitor which will helpful for easy stack monitoring
  • Due to reduction in size and weight of instrument panel the detachable velocity monitor will be fitted in hard carrying case without consuming additional space.
  • The Detachable velocity monitor will reduce the time and cost of sampling
  • Reduce in size and weight in compare to earlier model.
  • Arrangement for attachment of DGM for total quantity / Volume of emission
  • Simplified glass joints with having zero leakage in sampling train
  • Handy hard carrying case to carry all the required accessories in one box.
  • Digital pressure cell in place of cumbersome manometer
  • Facility for extension of probe and Pitot
  • Individual arrangement for diaphragm gas meter (DGM) attachment during sampling of PM & GSA
  • Facility to measure pressure & temperature at metering point individually for PM & GAS
  • Portable light weight rotary vane type high vacuum capacity mono block vacuum pump.

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Stack Monitoring Sampler - VES-5

Get Best Price
Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
Type Stack Monitoring Kit
Material Aluminimum
Application Stack Monitoring, Industrial
Color Black
Voltage 240V
Condition New
Display Type Analogue, Digital
Driven Type Electric
Temperature Range Ambient To 600 Degree C
Features Accuracy, Easy To Fit, Perfect Strength, Robust Construction, Rust Proof
Production Capacity 100 Set
Air Flow Rate (l/min) 0 - 60 LPM
Automation Grade Manual
Power (W) 230 VAC
Warranty 14 Month
Payment Terms L/C, T/T
Delivery Time READY STOCK
Packaging Details Standard Packing Cover the Instrument Inside with Armor Sheet and Out Side with Plastic Coated Hard Board

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Special Features :

  • Detachable Velocity Kit will be provided along with facility for inbuilt mounting arrangement of velocity module.
  • The size and weight will be reduce due to detachable velocity monitor which will helpful for easy stack monitoring
  • Due to reduction in size and weight of instrument panel the detachable velocity monitor will be fitted in hard carrying case without consuming additional space.
  • The Detachable velocity monitor will reduce the time and cost of sampling
  • Reduce in size and weight in compare to earlier model.
  • Protection of detachable velocity monitor is possible in VES5 due to more space in instrument carrying case which will increase the life of the instrument.
  • Arrangement for attachment of DGM for total quantity / Volume of emission
  • Tripod stand for better view / visibility and accessibility
  • Simplified glass joints with having zero leakage in sampling train
  • Handy hard carrying case to carry all the required accessories in one box.
  • Digital pressure cell in place of cumbersome manometer
  • Facility for extension of probe and Pitot
  • Individual arrangement for diaphragm gas meter (DGM) attachment during sampling of PM & GSA
  • Facility to measure pressure and temperature at metering point individually for PM & GAS
  • Portable light weight rotary vane type mono block vacuum pump.

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